The Thrones


The proper disposition of physical symbols creates corresponding psychic stresses. Hence the traditional admonition "remove not the ancient landmarks." By the simple act of aligning four chairs an etheric grid is created along which power flows. Similarly, any misalignment is an impediment to the work.

Placed at the quarters of the temple are four thrones, so-called to underscore the authority of the officer occupying them. Thrones are sometimes placed on a dais for the same reason, and the slight elevation in height aids the unobstructed vision over the central altar. Our thrones here are depicted with purple cushions to suggest the purple ray of ceremonial magic.

The ritualist sitting upon such a throne is in the god-form posture seen in Egyptian statues. The arms are resting lightly on the thighs. Neither arms nor legs are crossed, for this is a symbolic barrier to the inflow and outflow of energy. A comparison to the Emperor in Key 4 is appropriate. The word thrones should suggest to the qabalist the order of angels of Binah, the Aralim. Rulership of the forces of the physical plane is again the idea since "Malkuth sitteth on the throne of Binah."

Prepared by Emmanuel Rose
Ó Emmanuel Rose 2001