The two pillars of the temple reinforce the theme of polarity. They represent force and form and are the side pillars of the qabalistic tree of life, the sephiroth of severity and mildness.

The Black Pillar is the form side of the Tree and is the pillar of Severity. Its base is Hod and its capital is Binah. Its body is Strength. This pillar is called Boaz, meaning "strength," and takes its name from its prototype at Solomon’s temple.

The Black Pillar is the Castle of the Grail, and symbolizes the dark feminine cherub of the Ark of the Covenant, Sandalphon, archangel of Malkuth.

The Silver Pillar is the force side of the Tree and is the pillar of Mildness. Its base is Netzach and its capital is Chokmah. Its body is Mercy. This pillar is called Jachin, meaning "he will establish," and takes its name from its prototype at Solomon’s temple.

The Silver Pillar is the White Tower of the Stars, and symbolizes the bright masculine cherub of the Ark of the Covenant, Metratron, archangel of Kether.

Taken together they are the two witnesses for spiritual Israel, the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire which followed the wanderers.

Side-by-side the two pillars create a magnetic place of power, and the position between them, the Throne of the East, is transformed in their midst into the Pillar of Equilibrium or Consciousness. The Master of the East is thus Osirified between his dark Nephthys and his bright Isis. The place between the pillars is the place or equilibrium, the point of perfect balance, for "Equilibrium is the secret of the great work."

The pillars may also be seen as a portal to the adytum of the temple, a secret chamber dwelling in higher vibration. Herein dwells that angel of the temple, who constantly beholds the face of the One.

Prepared by Emmanuel Rose
Ó Emmanuel Rose 2001


The Pillars of the Temple